If you have tried going extreme on your diet or piling up endless workouts in hope of losing weight and have not found success yet, it's time to consider an alternative.
Having said that, there are too many fake and exaggerated products on weight loss in the market these days, how can you make sure the product works? This is when you need to do your due diligence and research.
There are many high profile weight loss programs that are popular and Fat Loss Factor Program is one of them. I was recently asked to review the system and after trying it for a few weeks, I was surprised by the results.
My Review on Fat Loss Factor Program
What I'm sharing with you now is my own experience, it is subjective in that sense but it will also be objective as I will not let my own personal success affect this review.
I will first discuss the program, what is it about, who created it, how can you lose weight, the pros and cons and most importantly, will the Fat Loss Factor Program work for you.
What is the Fat Loss Factor Program?
Fat Loss Factor Program is a complete weight loss package and helps you to loss the right weight fast. This means burning fats at your tummy, around your legs and back of your arms while keeping your buttocks and breast firm.
Losing weight is not the main concern in the program, instead this book sets you in the right direction to a healthy lifestyle. It covers all aspects from diet and nutrition to exercise, goal-setting and having the right mind-set to get in shape.
As there isn't a one size fits all package, Fat Loss Factor is designed to cater to the needs of different types of people.
There are 3 plans for you to choose from:
- Steady Weight Loss Plan
Shed an average of 1 - 2 pounds weekly.
- Quick Weight Loss Plan
Shed an average of 3 - 4 pounds weekly.
- Turbo Weight Loss Plan
Shed an average of 5 - 6 pounds weekly.
If you are a beginner, you can also start with the steady weight loss plan and slowly build up or go for the turbo weight loss plan if you really need to loss those weights fast.
Who is the creator?
The Fat Loss Factor program is created by Dr Charles Livingston also known as Michael Allen. He is a licensed chiropractor, certified advanced nutritionist, motivational speaker and a wellness professional.
Fat Loss Factor Review: Will it work?
Fat Loss Factor Program does not take the magic pill approach, instead it teaches you how to get a lean and healthy body the practical way by doing consistent dieting and exercise.
At the start, the Dr Livingston talks about the 1st principle, which is to prepare yourself for success. You will need to take basis statistics like your measurement, your weight, even take photographs etc and record the information in your fitness journal.
There are 11 principles sprinkled all over the book to help you along the way and these 11 principles I believe, are the keys to keeping you motivated.
Fat Loss Factor is divided into different phases.
Phase 1 - Master Cleanse:
This stage lasts for 14 days, it is a detoxification process to flush the toxins and other additives from the body so that your body can be in the best state for losing weight effectively during the program.
Detoxifying also gives you a stronger immune system, more energy, a better sleep and significant fat loss.
Be warn that this is a fasting period with drinking lots of lemon water and herbal teas. You will naturally feel dizzy, suffer from headaches, mood swings, tiredness etc.
However, I need to stress that this phase is optional and you can choose not to go through with the master cleanse though it is good to know that cleansing of your body will help fat quickly.
I did not really go through the 14 days, I did it for 1 day before I threw the towel, I tried again on the 2nd week and managed 2 days.
There are controversial issue when it comes to this and I will highlight it in the Cons section below.
Phase 2 - The Raw Food Diet:
You will need to go through a raw food diet for 1 week after cleansing which means, "rabbit's food" - tomatoes, vegetables, carrots etc.
This phase is also hard for me to follow so I incorporate raw food in my normal diet.
Also known as the 'Lifestyle Un-Diet', Fat Loss Factor talks about the nutrition guidelines to this diet like Glycemic Index, lean protein, healthy fats, fibre etc. It is a little bit confusing but this section talks about why you have excessive body fat.
There are a lot of things to take note to eat correctly for fat loss and this book is excellent on highlighting what to eat and what to avoid.
Fat Loss Factor gives solid recommendations on how and when to exercise to speed up the results.
Just like the nutrition plan, the exercise workout plan has different options for you to choose based on your current fitness level and the overall results you are looking to get.
The plan spans over 12 weeks and get more intense as you progress. The workout lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour but there are shorter workouts as alternatives (20 minutes).
What is inside Fat Loss Factor Program (FLF)?
The FLF Program entails these components:
- Fat Loss Factor eBook
This is the main manual of the program. The 141 pages are packed with information on how to lose weight, maintain your fitness while still able to eat delicious food without the fear of gaining weight.
- Quick Start Guide
The 52 pages give you an overview of the weight loss process so you can quickly get into shape without reading the main manual.
- 10-Minute Raw Food Recipes
A recipes of raw foods which is good as eating raw food is very limited and restrictive.
- 90-Day Meal Plans
Divided into 3 eBooks - Month 1, Month 2 and Month 3.
- Master Cleanse Video
Shows you how to perform cleansing to lose up to 2 inches within a week.
- Foojoo Fast Food Software
A database of fast food of 142 restaurants over 5000 foods with the FLF rating, calories, carbs, fiber, protein and fats to help you pick food according to your calorie and nutritional requirement for the day.
- Diet/Exercise Log
This is for you to follow the program on a daily basis
- Workout for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Level
Manual with proper instructions to perform the workout routines.
- 15-Minute Sample Workouts (1 - 5)
These sample workouts require you to spend 15 minutes a day
- Goal Setting Guide
A questionnaire to help you decide what you want to do.
- Grocery List
A guide to help you choose fat burning food when doing your grocery shopping.
- Fat Loss Factor Measurement Form.
Forms to help keep track of your progress and results.
The Pros and Cons
Even though Fat Loss Factor works for me, I will still give my take objectively.
The Pros:
- Information provided is great, it goes in depth on why certain food is good or bad for you.
- At $47, the Fat Loss Factor Program is certainly worth the money.
- There is a 60-day money back guarantee.
- Even though, there are loads of information, FLF is able to jump straight into the program.
- Love the axioms for success ("cheat" day here I come!).
- Customised plans to cater to all levels.
- Many useful bonuses.
- FooJoo software is a great meal planning software if you need to eating out.
- You see results!
- Focuses on overall health and not just weight loss.
- Many success stories (just check out the many positive testimonies on FLF page itself).
The Cons:
- Additional expenses due to buying organic food.
- Need a gym membership as some exercise requires gym equipment.
- Master cleansing is a controversial subject, detoxifying is good but studies have shown that the cleansing method in FLF is rather dangerous (NBC ran an article on this, WebMD states in the net and celebrity fitness instructor, Jillian Michaels is not a fan of Master Cleanse).
- Raw food diet is hard to follow.
Conclusion: Fat Loss Factor Review: Will it work?
If you are committed and follow the program accordingly, there is no reason why you will not loss those pounds.
However, I must stress, how fast you lose weight depends on the body type, size of fat deposits, amount of time spend, the commitment level and the constancy with the program.
Fat Loss Factor may not be perfect but it certainly offers great value money, just look at all the bonuses included in the $47 price tag. If you are serious about losing weight, you can consider this program.